Content-based recommendation system using neural networks - Part 2

This post builds the data we will use for creating our content based model. We’ll collect the data via a collection of SQL queries from a Google Analytics dataset in BigQuery. Our goal is to recommend an article for a visitor (Client ID) to our site.

This post relies on files created in the Content-based recommendation system using neural networks - Part 1

In this post we will illustrates:

  • how to build feature columns for a model using tf.feature_column
  • how to create custom evaluation metrics and add them to Tensorboard
  • how to train a model and make predictions with the saved model

pip install tensorflow==1.8.0
pip install tensorflow-hub==0.3.0
pip install tensorboard==1.8.0
import os
import tensorflow as tf
import numpy as np
import tensorflow_hub as hub
import shutil

REGION = 'us-central1' # REPLACE WITH YOUR BUCKET REGION e.g. us-central1

# do not change these
os.environ['PROJECT'] = PROJECT
os.environ['BUCKET'] = BUCKET
os.environ['REGION'] = REGION
os.environ['TFVERSION'] = '1.8'

gcloud config set project $PROJECT
gcloud config set compute/region $REGION

We will use this helper function to write lists containing article ids, categories, and authors for each article in our database to local file.

def write_list_to_disk(my_list, filename):
  with open(filename, 'w') as f:
    for item in my_list:
        line = "%s\n" % item

1. Build all the features columns for the content-based model

To start, we’ll load the list of categories, authors and content_ids that we created in the previous Post.

authors_list = open("authors.txt").read().splitlines()
content_ids_list = open("content_ids.txt").read().splitlines()
mean_months_since_epoch = 523
medium_list = open("medium.txt").read().splitlines() # categorical_column_with_vocabulary_list

In the cell below we’ll define the feature columns to use in our model. If necessary, remind yourself the various feature columns to use. For the embedded_title_column feature column, use a Tensorflow Hub Module to create an embedding of the article title. Since the articles and titles are in German, you’ll want to use a German language embedding module. Explore the text embedding Tensorflow Hub modules available here. Filter by setting the language to ‘German’. The 50 dimensional embedding should be sufficient for our purposes.

embedded_title_column = hub.text_embedding_column(key="title", module_spec="", trainable=False)

content_id_column = tf.feature_column.categorical_column_with_hash_bucket(key="content_id", hash_bucket_size= len(content_ids_list) + 1)
embedded_content_column = tf.feature_column.embedding_column(categorical_column=content_id_column, dimension=10)

author_column = tf.feature_column.categorical_column_with_hash_bucket(key="author", hash_bucket_size=len(authors_list) + 1)
embedded_author_column = tf.feature_column.embedding_column(categorical_column=author_column, dimension=3)

months_since_epoch_boundaries = list(range(400,700,20))
months_since_epoch_column = tf.feature_column.numeric_column(key="months_since_epoch")
months_since_epoch_bucketized = tf.feature_column.bucketized_column(source_column = months_since_epoch_column, boundaries = months_since_epoch_boundaries)

medium_column_categorical = tf.feature_column.categorical_column_with_vocabulary_list(key="medium", vocabulary_list=medium_list, num_oov_buckets=1)
medium_column = tf.feature_column.indicator_column(medium_column_categorical)

crossed_months_since_medium_column = tf.feature_column.indicator_column(tf.feature_column.crossed_column(
  keys = [medium_column_categorical, months_since_epoch_bucketized], 
  hash_bucket_size = len(months_since_epoch_boundaries) * (len(medium_list) + 1)))

feature_columns = [embedded_content_column,

2. Create the input function.

Next we’ll create the input function for our model. This input function reads the data from the csv files we created in the previous labs.

record_defaults = [["Unknown"],["Unknown"],["Unknown"],["Unknown"],["Unknown"],["Unknown"],["Unknown"],["Unknown"],["Unknown"],[mean_months_since_epoch],["Unknown"]]
column_keys = ["visitor_id", "content_id","medium","trafficSource","browser","region","screeResolution","title", "author", "months_since_epoch","next_content_id"]
label_key = "next_content_id"

def read_dataset(filename, mode, batch_size = 512):
  def _input_fn():
      def decode_csv(value_column):
          columns = tf.decode_csv(value_column,record_defaults=record_defaults)
          features = dict(zip(column_keys, columns))          
          label = features.pop(label_key)         
          return features, label

      # Create list of files that match pattern
      file_list = tf.gfile.Glob(filename)

      # Create dataset from file list
      dataset =

      if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN:
          num_epochs = None # indefinitely
          dataset = dataset.shuffle(buffer_size = 10 * batch_size)
          num_epochs = 1 # end-of-input after this

      dataset = dataset.repeat(num_epochs).batch(batch_size)
      return dataset.make_one_shot_iterator().get_next()
  return _input_fn

3. Create the model and train/evaluate

Next, we’ll build our model which recommends an article for a visitor to the journaldemontreal website.

def model_fn(features, labels, mode, params):
  # `input_layer` applies the transformations defined by your feature columns, creating the model's input layer
  net = tf.feature_column.input_layer(features, params['feature_columns'])
#   tf.layers.dense create hidden layers
#   units parameter defines the number of output neurons
#   net = input layer 
  for units in params['hidden_units']:
        net = tf.layers.dense(net, units=units, activation=tf.nn.relu)
   # Compute logits (1 per class).
   # Here, net signifies the final hidden layer
  logits = tf.layers.dense(net, params['n_classes'], activation=None) 

  predicted_classes = tf.argmax(logits, 1)
  from import file_io
  with file_io.FileIO('content_ids.txt', mode='r') as ifp:
    content = tf.constant([x.rstrip() for x in ifp])
  predicted_class_names = tf.gather(content, predicted_classes)
#   Your model function must provide code to handle all three of the mode values (ModeKeys.PREDICT, ModeKeys.TRAIN, ModeKeys.EVAL)
#   For each mode value, your code must return an instance of tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec, which contains the information the caller requires
  if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.PREDICT:
    predictions = {
        'class_ids': predicted_classes[:, tf.newaxis],
        'class_names' : predicted_class_names[:, tf.newaxis],
        'probabilities': tf.nn.softmax(logits),
        'logits': logits,
    return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode, predictions=predictions)
  table = tf.contrib.lookup.index_table_from_file(vocabulary_file="content_ids.txt")
  labels = table.lookup(labels)
  # Compute loss.
  loss = tf.losses.sparse_softmax_cross_entropy(labels=labels, logits=logits)

  # Compute evaluation metrics.
  accuracy = tf.metrics.accuracy(labels=labels,
  top_5_accuracy = tf.metrics.mean(tf.nn.in_top_k(predictions=logits, targets=labels, k=5))
  metrics = {
    'accuracy': accuracy,
    'top_5_accuracy' : top_5_accuracy}
#   tf.summary.scalar make accuracy available to TensorBoard in both TRAIN and EVAL modes
  tf.summary.scalar('accuracy', accuracy[1])
  tf.summary.scalar('top_5_accuracy', top_5_accuracy[1])

  if mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL:
      return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(
          mode, loss=loss, eval_metric_ops=metrics)

  # Create training op.
  assert mode == tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN

  optimizer = tf.train.AdagradOptimizer(learning_rate=0.1)
  train_op = optimizer.minimize(loss, global_step=tf.train.get_global_step())
  return tf.estimator.EstimatorSpec(mode, loss=loss, train_op=train_op)

4. Train and Evaluate


outdir = 'content_based_model_trained_testJDMv12souscategories'
shutil.rmtree(outdir, ignore_errors = True)

estimator = tf.estimator.Estimator(
    model_dir = outdir,
     'feature_columns': feature_columns,
      'hidden_units': [200, 100, 50],
      'n_classes': len(content_ids_list)

train_spec = tf.estimator.TrainSpec(
    input_fn = read_dataset("training_set.csv", tf.estimator.ModeKeys.TRAIN),
    max_steps = 800)

eval_spec = tf.estimator.EvalSpec(
    input_fn = read_dataset("test_set.csv", tf.estimator.ModeKeys.EVAL),
    steps = None,
    start_delay_secs = 30,
    throttle_secs = 60)

tf.estimator.train_and_evaluate(estimator, train_spec, eval_spec)

5. TensorBoard

We can monitor the performance of our training job using Tensorboard

from import TensorBoard